Friday, May 28, 2010

Leaving Scotland

May 28/10
We left Scotland this morning and Elinor's (my cousin) wonderful meals, desserts and hospitality.
She has a sheep farm next door (the baby lambs have been born and they are so cute) and the sheep got out onto the road as we were leaving. When the car comes along they scurry back through the fence, sometimes getting caught in the barbed wire. It doesn't hurt them, but their wool gets caught up.
I have to say that Scotland is the "neatist" place I have ever been. Both in the fact that it is really, really beautiful and the fact it is so neat and tidy everywhere, like a picture postcard, with neat fields and little stone or hedge fences.

When we were travelling from the main highway along the secondary road, which I must say can be very narrow, there were horses and covered wagons travelling at a slow pace. Sometimes the owner was walking along beside the horse holding the rein, so that tells you the speed they were travelling. The traffic was held up behind them in that direction sometimes for a mile because the cars couldn't pass on the winding roads. I guess we were going the "right" way on the "wrong" side of the road.

We are in the Rendezvous Hotel in Skipton, England. We parked the car in town and because we both had to use the washroom (or toilet) as they say here, we entered the first pub, and beleive me it was not too far away, called the Avion. Had a drink and a pub lunch, then went to High Street where they were having their Market Day which is like a flea market all down the street.
We will head for York tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are having a great time. I'm enjoing your blogs. Chris
