Thursday, June 13, 2013

Monopoli is more than just a game

You might say that Joe "kicked the bucket" last night.  But I wouldn't want Chris to get too upset that I was being blaze about it.  lol.  I heard a loud crash in the night and asked Joe "Are you alright?"  He said yes, and I went back to sleep.  In the morning I found the bucket which sits in the bathroom with a rag and a broom in it, was knocked over on the floor.  Turn the light on next time Joe.

Joe says ----- "It's not my fault"  The light switch was beside the broom handle. I was reaching for the switch to turn the light on when the broom fell over.

We finally made our way out of the condo and headed to town. We turned the GPS off and just drove around Monopoli taking in the sights, the sea and the very narrow streets.

After getting lost a number of times we came to a lovely spot in Monopoli Sud, that's Monopoli South for y'all non Italians.

The coastline was superb, both rough as well as a cove with a beach.

We also found a delightful ristorante for lunch. We tried to order pizza but that is available only for dinner. The waiter (in broken english that is way better than our Italian) advised us that all lunch dishes were seafood. At least we think that's what he said.
We ordered a tomato linguini with a number of shell fish in it.

That is a picture of our lunch.

Once we arrived "home" we headed for the pool for some sun and a relaxing read.

Our balcony has wonderful views of the sea and the pool but sometimes it is really a "bum" view.

Tomorrow will be a quite day as we pack up and prepare to head for Salerno on Saturday morning.

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