Friday, February 17, 2017

Sunny day in the Algarve

Today promised to be a real sunny and warm day, so we thought it was time to take the "hop on hop off" bus.

This is a picture of our ride.

The bus goes around the city of Albufeira and the surrounding area. The ride takes about 2 hours and has 18 stops. You can "hop off" at any stop and next bus comes in 1 hour and then you can "hop on".

We took numerous pictures during the trip. Hopefully we will not bore y'all with too many pictures, but that's  the way it goes.

We passed the orada apartments that we stayed at 11 years ago. Because of the multi pastel colours, they called it "Legoland". We had many a Sangria at this place back in the day.

We "hopped off" the bus, as one of us needed to use the ladies room.
However we did find a nice bistro, and there were a couple of guys playing wind instruments.
Of course, we had to stop for refreshments, and listen to the wonderful music.

Back at the beach at the Hotel Sol e Mar, we discoverd that they were giving free wind surfing for any one who wanted. Up we went, and we did get a picture of the beach and our hotel from about 300 feet up in the air.

Now it is time for a late lunch (early dinner?) at the Rainbow Sunset bar and grill.
Here we are with our Sangria waiting for the food.

I could not resist one more picture of the coast from the restaurant.

Tomorrow, back on the "hop on hop off" bus for more adventure.

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