Wednesday, June 15, 2011

New Brunswick

This morning we headed down the eastern coast along the Acadia Coast Drive.  Still not much to see, we saw no wildlife driving through the park (except maybe a dead creature on the side of the road) and it was nice but not terribly interesting.  By the time we drove for a few hours I was dying for a coffee and a pee.  Well so far we had been lucky to see an outhouse, let alone a bathroom.  We got to Richibucto which is fairly big,  still no good spot to "go", however as we turned a corner, what to my wonderous eyes did appear!  You guessed it. Ten tiny reindeer!  No.  Just kidding.  A Timmies!!!  Had our pit stop and headed back to the car to drive down to Moncton with our coffees in our hands.  Life is GOOD!
This is our hotel on the Petitcodiac River (famous for it's tidal bore) in Moncton.  It's right on the river and there is a boardwalk that goes for miles.

Here is Joe on part of the boardwalk.  We walked along a ways but it was cold and windy, so Bonnie wimped out.
Looking forward to seeing Lorna and Chris tomorrow.
The weather is supposed to be getting warmer.  Good.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for including the pictures.

