Monday, June 7, 2010


June 7/10
Drizzle and rain today. But, troopers that we are, we set off anyway to go to Tintagel Castle. OMG what a drive! Over 4 lane roads, 2 lane roads, narrow 2 lane roads and finally one lane roads, but with two way traffic! Our side mirrors were touching bushes on both sides of the road and cars were coming the other way towards us! Joe's expert maneuvering and that of some other drivers got us there safe and sound. Whew!

We couldn't get right up to the castle, which was mostly ruins anyway, because there were hundreds of steps. We managed to find a road out to the coast line and got pictures, had lunch in a quaint little pub, visited the many shops and returned through the rain.

A great day, all in all.

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