Monday, October 15, 2012

First full day in Palm Springs

It is so HOT today and will continue to be in the 90's to 100 this week.  I am NOT complaining mind you.  Just saying. hah

Did I mention that yesterday we stopped at New York, New York on our way through Las Vegas?  Well we did, and Joe took a picture of me of course.                                 And the Statue of Liberty.

This morning I woke up with a splitting headache.  I think all altitude changes for the last few days is hard on the old brain.  Joe went for a walk while I recovered and got ready and then we went walking down the main street where all the shops and restaurants are located.  We found a fabulous hat shop where I bought a large brimmed hat which you will see in the following pictures.  We had lunch in a Mexican restaurant and sat by the window with the water mist spraying off the roof.  Again, picture to follow.  Oh heck, here they are.  If you get your magnifying glass out you will see that I have on a huge hat.  I'm in the picture on the left by the way.  On the right is Joe.  This Marilyn Monroe statue is 26 feet high and weights over 38,000 lbs.  It is beautiful, but some OTHER tourists have been taking picture of them (the men) looking up under her skirt.  Pigs. Joe says she is wearing panties, I wonder how he knows that!

     The restaurant we had lunch in is on the left with open windows.  The spray comes down and cools the air so you are comfortable.  And it works, even when the sun is on you.  Pretty nifty eh!  And all the restaurants along the street have the same thing.  Well may not Starbucks that charged us $6.00 for a bottle of juice.  What a rip!!!    

After that we went for a swim in the pool and sat on the "cushioned" lounges for a while and read after spending some time in the pool.  The water temperature was perfect.

Here is a picture from our balcony.  And that is just the lower section of the mountain.  Very unique.

Bonnie and Joe on the go for another day.            

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