Tuesday, October 16, 2012


We drove down to Palm Desert today to check out where some things are down there.  It was around 11 AM when we got there. We parked and walked along the shady side of the street, which has shops all along.  Then we crossed the road to come back to find a place to eat on the sunny side.  I have never felt so hot (no comments please) in my life!  It was all I could do to walk back to the car.  Joe said the heat didn't bother him but I think one sign we passed said 109 F.  We had lunch at a Mexican restaurant with open windows and my favorite thing - misting coming down off the roof.  One young fellow came along with two small dogs and lifted them up to cool them off.
Here we are in Palm Desert with the rams.

Then we went to do laundry.  It's free, nice area with tables and chairs and a pool table, coffee available, very nice.  We put the clothes in, sat at a table and another couple came in and we started talking.  They moved to our table, and some more people and then some more people arrived.  What the heck is this!  Everyone's coming to sit in the laundry room!  No, guess what ------  it was BINGO!  By this time we had the clothes in the dryer and Joe went to check if we could get the light stuff out.  No, still soaking wet.  Someone, and I'm not mentioning any names here, didn't push the START button.  So there we were stuck in a room  with 20 or so Bingo players trying to read.  And it was cold in there too!

So we came back, went to the pool, and now we have had dinner and will head out to see what's up with the night life in this berg.
To be continued later................................................
Okay, we're back again.  We had a couple of drinks in a Mexican bar, but the music was good old 50's and 60's.  Then we went to the Village pub and had a drink there.  The music just started at 9:pm but we have to get up early tomorrow, so we came back early.

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