Thursday, October 18, 2012

Our trip to Arroyo Grande

Oct 17/2012
We left early this morning to go and see my Aunt Irene and Uncle Morris who just turned 90.   The traffic was bad going through Los Angeles so the GPS took us on a most round about route, but still got us there in good time.  It is 300 miles from where we are staying here in Palm Springs.  My uncle is having some medical problems and they are getting packed to move on Oct 19th to a seniors apartment (2 bedroom) with a care center.  It sounds like a fabulous place and I hope we can get to see them there later this year.  We also got a chance to get to know Irene's daughter Cheryl better.  She has been a God send for them, helping to do everything (and I mean lots and lots of things) organizing, taking care of both of them, packing, cooking etc. etc.  What a great girl.  We had a lovely time with them all.

Here we are:  Cheryl, Aunt Irene, Uncle Morris, me and Joe.  It was so nice seeing them all, we spent the night and headed out the next morning.  We are keeping our fingers crossed that Uncle Morris' health improves.

Oct 18/2012

We had a much better drive back to Palm Springs.  I guess travelling through a big city at rush hour yesterday was not such a good idea. Hello!
We got home in the mid afternoon, then headed out this evening for downtown Palm Springs.  They closed the main street and had vendors all along selling crafts, food, etc.  We had dinner at the outdoor patio at the Hyatt hotel. Then walked back and came home.
Not too exciting, but nice.j
Tomorrow, its breakfast at the famous restaurant - Spencers, which is right beside our condo.
Mmmmm I can hardly wait.

Bonnie and Joe on the go once again.

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