Thursday, July 5, 2018

Another day in Nova Scotia

Today was our last full day in Nova Scotia. Tomorrow morning we head to North Sydney to catch the midnight ferry to Port Aux Basque, Newfoundland.

Today we met our friends Lorna and Chris, and went to lunch at a quaint little winery called Bent Ridge. This winery has only 3 things, but they are 3 of my favourite things. Wine, Beer and Pizza.

This winery has been open for all of 5 days. They asked us if we had any ideas for improvement of the winery restaurant. Lorna and Bonnie had a number of suggestions that the owner thanked them for their ideas.

This picture is the winery and restaurant from the front.

The washrooms at the winery were quite interesting. There were 3 of them all colourfully decorated.
I tried to get pictures of them all, but the folks in 2 of them didn't think too much of that idea. Oh well, one was vacant.

As noted above we go to North Sydney tomorrow to board the ferry.

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