I thought we might be in the army with the army slogan, "hurry up and wait"
We were to hurry to the terminal, hours ahead of departure time, and then we had to wait and wait and wait some more.
The number of cars, transport trucks and RV's that are loaded is amazing. I, for one am surprised the ship does not sink with all that weight.
We finally boarded the ferry around 11:30. Straight to bed for us.
Above is a picture of our berth. Our own bathroom and even a TV. Quite comfortable.
Bonnie was a little worried about sea sickness so she took gravel and wore her sea bands. She slept like a baby until they called us around 7:00 AM.
Off the ferry and into Port Aux Basque for coffee.
We did take a couple pictures of the scenery at Port Aux Basque as well as of our ferry.
We are now ready for our long awaited trip from Port Aux Basque to Argentia in 10 days.
I must add a few interesting facts about Newfoundland and Labrador. I am sure our Newfoundland friends know all these, but bear with me.
The provincial flower is the Pitcher Plant, the tree is the Black Spruce and the bird is, of course, the Atlantic Puffin.
St John's is the oldest city in North America.
You can buy beer in the corner store.
There are no crickets, porcupines, skunks or deer in Newfoundland, but they sure have a hell of a lot of moose.
Newfoundland and Labrador have their own language dictionary, and as well, each has their own breed of dog.
I am realizing that Newfoundland has a romantic side. Where else would you find Conception Bay, Hearts Desire, Hearts Content, as well as the world famous town of Dildo.
You may have known all these, but did you know Argentia, where we will be on the 16th, gets an average of 206 fog days per year.
Enough of that useless information. On with our trip
Our destination for tonight is Cape St George. Off we go.
Lovely scenery on the way. Here are a few of the pictures.
Taking a "short cut" we ended up in the past somewhere, and this what this fellows yard looked like.
We finally made it to Cape St George and took some pictures of the main store in town as well as the cliffs to the sea.
We are staying at the Inn at the Cape for the night. Lovely room as well as a large living room off of our room, a deck and a view of the water.
Plus, the cost of the room includes dinner and breakfast. What a wonderful dinner it was. Catherine made so much food that we could not eat it all.
Tomorrow we head for Gros Morne National Park, and will stay in Cow Head for the night.
See y'all tomorrow.
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