Friday, July 6, 2018

Ready for the Ferry

We had a wonderful drive to North Sydney. The 1st part of the trip was quite uneventful.
Around noon we crossed the causeway onto Cape Breton Island.
The scenery is fantastic.

The pictures above were taken just past the causeway as we headed up the hill on Cape Breton Island.

The drive from there was very picturesque and we did stop for a few pictures, but had to curtail our stopping as we had a ferry to catch.

I was not sure if Bonnie's windblown hair was from the wind or she was scared she might fall over the edge and down the cliff.

As you can see the view was certainly excellent.

Now, we will go to dinner at the Black Spoon Bistro (hopefully it has good food) and then over to board our ferry, the Blue Puttee for our midnight run to "the rock"

See y'all tomorrow from Newfoundland.

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