Saturday, June 27, 2015

Bamberg, Germany

This morning Bonnie wanted to sleep in a bit, so Joe headed for breakfast about 7:30 AM and met up with Dan and Jane. Another terrible breakfast of champagne and eggs benedict (lol) followed by some fruit and cheese.
We had a tour of the city of Bamberg set to leave at 8:30. There was a light drizzle so Bonnie, Jane and Dan were staying on the ship. Joe grabbed an umbrella and headed for the bus.
The tour was a bus tour of the city, followed by a walking tour and free time in the city centre.

Bamberg is a beautiful city that, unlike Nuremberg, was not damaged during the allied bombing during WW2. But most important it is described as the beer capital of Germany.

Bamberg is also called 'The German Rome' because it is built on 7 hills just like Rome.
However, there are really only 6 hills in Bamberg, but the officials at the time did not want to be seen as the poor cousin, so they named 1 hill twice.

Below are pictures in Bamberg of a street scene, a river through town and a garden with ABC in the background. I hope you all remember what ABC stands for.

Back on the ship for our Bavarian lunch with regional specialties.
This is our waiter Mihai, dressed in Bavarian clothes with Bonnie and Jane.

Later in the afternoon the Chef Michal took us on a Galley Tour. (a visit to the ships kitchen for the non nautical folks). Amazing what they can do in a limited space.

And the kitchen was spotlessly clean.  Besides the food is always fabulous.  They are really very "efficient" so as you all may figure out, that is our word for today.

We proceeded to cocktail hour and eventually to another wonderful dinner.
After dinner, up to the lounge for live music by Stefan.

The picture below shows us relaxing as Stefan played the piano.

For those of you that don't know who is who, this picture is in order from left to right.
Jane, Dan, John, Robyn, our wonderful waitresses, Alexandra and Juanita, June, Sonja, Bonnie and last but not least Joe.

Tomorrow we are off to Wurzburg, Germany and Rothensburg. Stay tuned for more adventures at bonnie and joe on the go.

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